I promise that the blog is still alive... just in a mild coma.
I will be back to painting and practicing with my Wacom Cintiq in coming months, but right now the animation project I'm working on is taking up most-to-all of my time. For those that are loyal in checking in, I thank you so much. I've got more nearly ready and will create many new podcasts this year, but I'll just need a little more free time.
I appreciate the great response and I'll keep everyone updated.
Glad to hear you will be back.
I'm really found of my Cintiq especially now when I found a way to fit my keyboard on in a proper way. Also figured out to programme the modifiers at the sides.
What about your mini-con class - that was fun!
put it up!
put it up!
put it up!
Yo Joe, I think what your doing is pretty CLASSIC. Keep the stuff up and keep making people inspired & smiling, like you do.
love it man, looking forward to some more of it.
peace&good luck with the recent project your working on bro,
--some random dutch artist
!Cant Wait! Awesome!
thanks for the update :)
and a quick suggestion, would love to see yr podcast on itunes.
Joe thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts, techniques and skills. Seeing your live demo, along with Tom Richmond was the main reason i attended the Caricature Con in St. Louis. I didnt get a chance to talk to you much but really hope to see your class put up. And BTW your rejects book continues to inspire!
These are great joe! Thank you very much for sharing them with us. Your Bill Murray is unbelievable!
Hi Joe!
I admire very much your work!
Greetings from Brazil!
Hey Joe, love your work. Especially the series you made for Caliendo! Brilliant!
Que tal Joe admiro mucho tu trabajo ,a mi tambien me gusta hacer caricaturas quisiera algun dia poder hacerlas como tu eres un maestro saludos desde Perù.
Benny Jackson
P.D.el libro que tienes es sobre la tecnica de la caricatura y donde lo puedo conseguir.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
In frensh we say "je bois tes paroles" what means: I drink your words... and I learn a lot.
Thank you and continues
Is there any way I can buy a copy of your digital podcast to practice at home? I haven't got high speed at home which makes it difficult to take full advantage of the tutorials.
Great work by the way man.
Better call in House.. it appears the blog has something more severe then a mild coma.. patient has been out since May. Someone get House, Doogie Howser M.D. and Dr. Huxtable in here ASAP!! Come on Joe your like Jay-Z.. "can't leave the digital podcast alone the game needs you". Well this stupid post is a sad attempt at sparking your interest in updating your blog once more. You may not realize it but there are many people out here that look up to you just as others look up to say.. a hollywood star.. your the art worldz george clooney. lol. lateR
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